Conscious Communication
Conscious Speech
and Conscious Listening
Effective Communication Understanding:
The more that you can demonstrate that you understand and respect the views, ideas and perspectives of others, the more effective your communication with others will be.
The Source of Communication Breakdown:
“Unconscious Communication”
“Unconscious Communication”
If we say it often enough, smart enough and forcefully enough, the other person will get the message and see that we are right.
Unconscious Purpose/Intent
We show that we value only “our” ideas, needs and interests
We see that our role is to “improve” or “remediate” others
We demonstrate that we want others to see that we are “right”
We signal that we want to “win” the communication exchange
We see understanding and relationship development as others’ responsibility
Unconscious Listening
We pretend to listen: not concentrating, but waiting for a chance to have our say
We interrupt and jump to conclusions or hastily diagnose
We finish other’s sentences for them
We don’t act/look like a good listener
We are defensive, and tend to react rather then respond
We don’t check to see if we understand correctly
We are a “passive” participant
Unconscious Speaking
We are impulsive and don’t think about what we are going to say
We like the sound of our own voice and “waffle” on
We do not think about our tone of voice or body language
We pressure the other person to change and see it “our” way
We don’t check for the listener’s understandings or feelings
We want to find blame for problems rather than fix them: “You” words
Our feedback is often vague and concentrates on personal characteristics
We panic when we sense lack of understanding and speak more and more loudly
We ask “closed”, “leading” or “loaded” questions
We focus on the negative
Limited shared understandings, strained relationships, diminished performance and greater separation
“Conscious Communication”
The Source of Effective Communication:
“Conscious Communication”
Before the other person will listen to and be influenced by our ideas, they first need to believe we fully understand and respect their perspective.
Conscious Purpose/Intent
We show that we value the ideas, needs and interests of “others”
We demonstrate that there is no “right” or “wrong” way to do things
We signal that we want a “win/win” from the communication exchange
We are “overtly” conscious of the impact our communication has on others
We indicate that it is “our” role and responsibility to develop shared understanding and enhance the relationship
Conscious Listening (Most Important CC skill)
We listen with the sole intent to understand the other’s perspective
We “shut up” and listen and use receptive language: “I see…uh huh…really?”
We ensure that we look like a good listener: eye contact, body language/position
We “concentrate” on understanding what the speaker is saying, not jumping to conclusions or hastily diagnosing
We don’t interrupt: Pause before responding to ensure the speaker has finished
We use reflection, clarifying questions and summarising to enhance understanding
We are an “active” participant
Conscious Speaking
We practise courage and consideration: The courage to be honest and say what we believe; The consideration to offer our views in a way that respects the beliefs, values and opinions of others
We think carefully about what we are going to say, our tone and body language
Our feedback is specific, clear and concise, and concentrates on the observed behaviour
We speak for no longer than 30 sec at a time (Key impact timeframe)
We check the listener’s understandings and feelings about what we are saying
We ask open questions
We focus on the positive problem‑solving
Increased shared understandings, enhanced relationships, improved performance and greater connection
Creating Opportunities for Conscious Communication:
There are numerous opportunities in our every day activities for practising the skills of conscious communication. The following are a few easy and simple examples of the many opportunities “out there” to refine your communication performance.
“Conscious Communication”
Giving CC a public profile
Have the courage to take your communication issues out of the closet. Make your desire for improving your conscious communication skills as public as possible
tell your team members
tell your friends
tell your family members
Put up your “Stop Doing” and “Start Doing” lists outside your office or on the fridge at home
Ask team/family members to observe your communication and tell you when you are not being conscious of your communication with them. Make it a fun game.
Make conscious communication an office, team or meeting “challenge”
Make and display large posters of “Conscious Communication”
Taking “bite size” CC bits
Take a specific conscious listening or speaking skill each day or week and try to consciously practise that skill in all your interactions for the day/week.
(EG: you might commit to ‘paraphrasing’ just once, each time a person speaks to you) -
Each day, review your schedule and identify a specific activity where you might practise an your conscious communication.
Look for comfortable/fun opportunities at work and home to tape your “CC”
Teach one conscious communication skill to one other person each week
Keep a CC Journal
Buy a small notebook and use it as a conscious communication journal
Identify your key relationships
Identify any communication issues within each of these relationships
Set monthly conscious communication goals to achieve with each relationship
Notice and record your successes, failures, issues and strategies to improve
Review your progress weekly/monthly
Get a CC Practice partner
Identify someone who could be your Conscious Communication Practice Partner (fellow manager, work colleague, wife/family member or friend).
Set times to work with this person to practise, review and ‘fine-tune’ your conscious communication skills
Note: Not only will all these practices improve your communication performance, but will have the added benefit of demonstrating to others you are committed to improving your communication skills. It will also help others in your team and family to be more conscious of how they communicate. The outcomes will be multiple contributions to increasing the level of shared understandings, enhancing relationships, improving performance and generating mutual benefit for yourself, your team and family members, your group and the organisation.